Patrick Wolf 歌曲列表

# 歌名
2 secret garden The Magic Position (I-tunes E-Album)
4 black down The Bachelor
6 Paris Lycanthropy
8 wolf song Getting Go, the Go Doc Project (Original Soundtrack)
10 this weather Wind in the Wires
12 time of my life Lupercalia
14 the bluebell The Magic Position (I-tunes E-Album)
16 B耳膜NDS E油street Lupercalia
18 the falcons (wolf opus 3 and orchestra remix) Lemuralia
20 armistice Lupercalia
22 the days Lupercalia
24 kriegspiel The Bachelor
26 ABO用like me Lycanthropy
28 thickets The Bachelor
30 hard times The Bachelor
32 vulture Sundark and Riverlight
34 the city The Dome Summer 2011
36 blood beat Lycanthropy
38 TE IGN mouth Wind in the Wires
40 oil slick Lemuralia
42 wolf song Sundark and Riverlight
44 time of my life Time of My Life
46 house Sundark and Riverlight
48 the stars The Magic Position (I-tunes E-Album)
50 finale The Magic Position (I-tunes E-Album)
52 armistice (glass harmonica, Cristal Bach ET, on的smart E not and vocal mix) Lemuralia
54 Paris Sundark and Riverlight
56 London Sundark and Riverlight
58 The Railway House Wind in the Wires
60 Pigeon Song Lycanthropy
62 Apparition Wind in the Wires
64 The Marriage The Magic Position (I-tunes E-Album)
66 The Falcons Lupercalia
68 House (Radio) Essential Hits 75
70 The Messenger The Bachelor
72 Demolition Lycanthropy
74 Vulture The Bachelor
76 Bitten Sundark and Riverlight
78 Slow Motion (Orchestral Instrumental Mix) Lemuralia
80 William (Wolf Extended Paris Mix) Lemuralia
82 The City Lupercalia
84 Wind in the Wires Getting Go, the Go Doc Project (Original Soundtrack)
86 Bluebells Sundark and Riverlight
88 Count of Casualty The Bachelor
90 William Lupercalia
92 Accident & Emergency The Magic Position (I-tunes E-Album)
94 Overture Sundark and Riverlight
96 The Shadowsea Wind in the Wires
98 Overture The Magic Position (I-tunes E-Album)
100 The Magic Position The Magic Position (I-tunes E-Album)