Time time don't let me down
You're the man in my play ground
What you say i will obey night and day
Feel free to turn me on
Feel free to change my song
I will count and you will go on
Sing my song I say
Zman man, tel li ran siman man, ten li et hazman
Lama Lohetz alay, tishan
[02:05.00]You got to give me more time
Zman man lama lo tishan, shan, tagid li kama zman
Lma lihiyot Shachor lavan
Time time could you be mine
I will feed you songs and wine
I'll make you lazy,I'll make you late
Wait wait wait
Wait wait we two are one
But you always take the lead
I lay down and you just run
Mind your speed - i say
[02:33.02]Zman man tel li ras siman man, tel li et hazman
Lama lochetz alay - tishan
Zman man lama lo tishan shan tagid li kama zman
Give give give give give me time
lama lihiyot shachor lavan
You don't know what we talk about
Lama lihiyot shachor lavan
Time time, don't let me down